3 Reasons Why Business Coaching is a MUST in Today’s New Normal

by | Aug 18, 2020 | Business Planning, Featured, Goals, Grow to Greatness in Real Estate, Real Estate, Time Management

coaching, coach Cheri Alguire, Cheri Alguire, business coachingDuring this new normal in a post covid world, business coaching is essential! 
In an article published in Inman News this month, surveys have shown that a majority of real estate agents and brokers favor one to one coaching in order to help them manage the different aspects of their business, especially in today’s uncertain times. 
Why is this the case?
This is because working with a coach helps you identify areas in your business that need to be addressed and improved, and in today’s rapidly changing world, there are many things that have shifted since you created your business plan in January. 
Let’s look at three important reasons why business coaching is a MUST for you during this new normal.


A coach can give you a better perspective of the situation than you would see yourself.  You are in the middle of all of this change and confusion.  You are looking at your business from “ground level” through the trees, and those trees can hamper your sight. 
A quality business coach can show you a bird’s eye view of the same situation that will help you see the whole story and make better decisions for your business based on the obstacles that have fallen in your way this year. 
The solution to increased revenue or higher profits are different this year than the past 5-10 years. A coach can help you navigate these new obstacles and challenges because of their perspective. 

Time Management

Struggling with managing multiple activities during this new normal? A business coach can help you get a handle on time management.
With so many people now juggling new responsibilities such as both spouses working from home, as well as kids being homeschooled, time management has been a challenge in 2020. A coach can help you and everyone in your household become productive and focused on the most important activities and daily tasks.

Flexibility and Adaptability

That marketing plan you set up in January is probably out the window. So much has changed since the pandemic struck and a majority of your strategies may no longer work during this new normal. But what should you be doing to create more leads and income for your business?
Business coaching can help you revisit every aspect of your business, but most importantly marketing and client acquisition. A coach can help you revamp your marketing strategy so you keep your leads interested in your services.

How do you find the right coach for you?

Interested in finding the right coach to help you during this new normal? You need to have a call with a potential coach to make sure it is the right fit. Not all coaches will provide you with the same guidance and support. You need to find a coach that meets your needs. 
I coach and train people on all aspects of business including marketing, time management, and profitability. I have coached over a thousand people over the past 20 years to have their best years ever. Are you ready to make some changes?
Set up a time to do a Marketing Review call with me and I will share some of these golden nuggets with you and get you on your path to doubling your business and helping you have a referral based business.
Try it out. Coaching can change your business and change your life!